New Genetic Counseling Aids Now Available

New Genetic Counseling Aids Now Available

The 6th edition of the Greenwood Genetic Center’s Genetic Counseling Aids is now available for purchase.
The Genetic Counseling Aids is designed for use by counselors, physicians, educators and other genetic healthcare professionals for patient education and student instruction. It has served as a leader in the field of graphic illustration of genetic principles for patients and students alike for over 25 years.

The 6th edition includes improved organization throughout and expanded content in all sections with special emphasis on Cancer Genetics and Biochemical Genetics.
It is available in CD format and 3-ring binder inserts.
New to this edition is an App version for both ipads and Android tablets


Mother and son

A Rare Beauty

The lobby of the JC Self Research Institute at GGC was transformed into a garden – of sorts. The art exhibit titled ‘Rare Roses’ consisted of 12 paintings that depict real roses with genetic variations. The series was created by Nicole Shannon, an artist from Greenville. Nicole was inspired by her son, who has a rare genetic disorder, and other individuals with genetic differences. Quinn, now 4, was born with a myriad of health issues and ...

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