Molecular Testing

Central Hypoventilation Syndrome: PHOX2B Polyalanine Repeat

Central Hypoventilation Syndrome: PHOX2B Polyalanine Repeat

Central Hypoventilation Syndrome: PHOX2B Sequencing

Central Hypoventilation Syndrome: PHOX2B Sequencing

FGFR2-Related Disorders: FGFR2 Sequencing

FGFR2-Related Disorders: FGFR2 Sequencing

GNAS Methylation-Specific MLPA

GNAS Methylation-Specific MLPA

Maternal Cell Contamination (MCC)

Maternal Cell Contamination (MCC)

Whole Exome Sequencing

Whole Exome Sequencing

X-Inactivation Studies

X-Inactivation Studies

Meet The Jones Family

The journey to becoming parents did not start as an easy one for my husband and I. We suffered the heartache of miscarriage and the unimaginable pain of burying our first born child. Our son, sweet 1 lb 1.4 ounce, 12 inches long, teeny, tiny little Joseph “Hamilton” Jones was born with spina bifida, hydrocephalus, and a heart defect. It tore our hearts out leaving the hospital without him, knowing our dreams and hope for the future were shattered....

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