For Healthcare Professionals

The role of diagnostic and predictive genetic testing in healthcare is growing. A genetic testing referral helps physicians provide the best possible care for their patients and chart a course of action when appropriate.

The Greenwood Genetic Center is a non-profit organization that is advancing the field of medical genetics through research, education and patient care. GGC’s main campus is located in Greenwood, South Carolina with satellite offices in Charleston, Columbia, Florence, and Greenville. Services include clinical genetic services, diagnostic laboratory testing, research, and educational programs that provide important resources for patients in need. See a list of all of our clinical locations.

When it’s Time for a Genetic Consultation

Healthcare professionals refer patients for clinical services at the Greenwood Genetic Center when a patient has symptoms or features that could be caused by a genetic disorder or has a family history or a predisposing condition that indicates risk for a hereditary condition. GGC clinicians are experienced in evaluating patients at all stages of life and for any genetic concern. Areas of concentration include:

  • General Genetics Clinics – Children or adults may benefit from genetic services when they present with autism, birth defects, developmental delay, intellectual disability, teratogenic exposure, or any features that may indicate an inherited condition or syndrome.
  • Metabolic Genetics Clinics – Children or adults with features suggestive of a metabolic or mitochondrial disorder are seen in our metabolic clinics. Clinical biochemical geneticists, genetic counselors, dietitians, and neuropsychologists assess, diagnose, treat, and follow patients with a variety of metabolic disorders. Infants diagnosed through newborn screening are followed through these clinics as well.
  • Cancer Clinics – Genetic counseling for patients with a strong personal and/or family history of cancer can help them explore their true risks, possible genetic testing options, and risk management. The most common referrals are for patients with breast, ovarian, colorectal and/or uterine cancers. However, any patients with a family history of any cancer types may also benefit from referral.
  • DDSN Clinic – Clients served by the SC Department of Disabilities and Special Needs are evaluated by a genetics team to assist in making a diagnosis, determining recurrence risk, and coordinating a plan for medical care and treatment. Clients may be referred to any of the GGC offices by their DDSN caseworker or provider.

The process for referral is uncomplicated, just submit the information through our online form. The professional staff at GGC welcomes your questions regarding patient referrals. Call 1-888-442-4363 for more information.

Laboratory Testing at the Greenwood Genetic Center

Appropriate clinical management depends upon a timely and accurate diagnosis. GGC’s diagnostic laboratories perform over  200 tests with unparalleled customer service, dependable turnaround times and competitive pricing in the following areas:

  • Biochemical Genetics
  • Cytogenetics
  • Molecular Genetics

GGC works with healthcare professionals to make the genetic testing referral process easy and provide their patients with the vital information they need. Instructions for specimen collection are specific to each test, and we accept samples for Saturday delivery.

If you are a healthcare professional seeking information about genetic test, call us at 1-800-473-9411 for more information, or fill out a form and we’ll contact you as soon as possible. For your convenience, a GGC laboratory geneticist is also available after hours to answer any questions that may arise. Call 866-868-1748 for questions after regular business hours.

Lucy's Story

When our daughter Lucy had a metabolic crisis at 7 days old, we were shocked and devastated to find out that she was born with a rare genetic disorder (MSUD). Her newborn screening results did not make it back in time to prevent the crisis, and no one at our local hospital was familiar with the disease. They did not know how to treat her. Calls were made to Greenwood Genetic Center to confirm her diagnosis and guide her care. Dr. Champaigne and Ami...

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