Patient Stories

By sharing your story you can provide encouragement and support to those going through similar situations. Your experiences will also help those wanting to learn more about our Center to better understand the true impact of genetic disorders, and of GGC, on families and individuals.

Lucy's Story

Lucy’s Story

​When our daughter Lucy had a metabolic crisis at 7 days old, we were shocked and devastated to find out that she was born with a rare genetic disorder (MSUD). Her newborn screening results did not make it back in time to prevent the crisis, and no one at our local hospital was familiar with the disease. They did not know how to treat her.

Meet Jeremiah

Meet Jeremiah

Jeremiah Licorish was born with a rare genetic mitochondrial disorder. Because of his persistent mother and GGC’s ability to expedite his appointment and testing, he is now on a clinical trial medication that is showing great promise.

Meet Reggie Roper

Meet Reggie Roper

​Reggie has been part of the GGC family for over 18 years. He has short stature, webbing of his hands, pulmonary stenosis, seizures and hydrocephalus along with developmental delay. He carried an initial diagnosis of cardiofaciocutaneous (CFC) syndrome; however, as genetic testing advanced, GGC made the diagnosis of Noonan-like syndrome with looses anagen hair by identifying a mutation in the SHOC2 gene

Meet the Shenal Family

Meet the Shenal Family

Our daughter, Ryleigh, was diagnosed with a rare chromosomal deletion shortly after she was born in 2010. Since we received her diagnosis, the Greenwood Genetic Center has become part of our family. They made certain that we did not feel alone, and they continue to provide ongoing, compassionate care for our child.

A Rare Beauty

A Rare Beauty

Rare is beautiful! Artist and GGC mom, Nicole Shannon, found invaluable support from GGC and inspiration in her son’s diagnosis. She created a series of paintings depicting real roses with genetic differences to share her message of beauty and acceptance…

Meet Reuben

Meet Reuben

Reuben Kleckley has been part of the GGC family for nearly all of his life! He was diagnosed with propionic acidemia as an infant and receives life-saving care from GGC’s metabolic treatment team Dr. Schroer, Mitzi, and Dr. Burns. Reuben lights up our office every time he visits!

Meet Nora

Meet Nora

Meet the Eysens! Two-year-old Nora was diagnosed with Infantile Pompe disease at birth. Her family received much-needed information and support in those first days from the Greenwood Genetic Center, and thanks to a quick diagnosis, Nora is on treatment, healthy, and thriving. And she is now a proud big sister!

Meet Esther

Meet Esther

Esther was referred to GGC around a year of age after her parents and pediatrician identified concerns with her development. She was diagnosed with Rett syndrome by Dr. David Everman of GGC’s Greenville office. GGC is a Rett Syndrome Center of Excellence and has been caring for Esther ever since her diagnosis. Meet Esther, her family, and friends in this video from Special Books by Special Kids.

Meet the Hunt Family

Meet the Hunt Family

Meet the Hunt Family! Two of their children, Madison and Levi, were diagnosed with PKU by newborn screening. GGC’s Metabolic Treatment Team has become part of their extended family by providing expertise, compassionate care, and vital treatments for these precious children!

Adult man smiling with his mother

Meet Reuben

Reuben has been part of the GGC family for nearly all of his life! He was diagnosed with propionic acidemia as an infant and receives life-saving care from GGC's metabolic treatment team Dr. Schroer, Mitzi, and Dr. Burns. Reuben lights up our office every time he visits!...

In The News